Within these resources you will find worksheets and activities to inspire your creativity and promote self-expression.
Download the LCVA Object Analysis Worksheet and LCVA’s Take a Closer Look! Gallery Activity for Kids & Families as resources to use in conjunction with our virtual galleries and collections, such as the Oppenhimer Collection of Folk Art, Rowe Collection of Chinese Art, Mayo Collection of American Art, and the African Art Collection.

Paper Mache Lesson Plan – 1st Grade
History of Paper Lesson Plan – 3rd Grade
Printing Resources – All Grades
Winter Wonderland Art-on-the-Go (2021)
Projects inspired by the LCVA’s exhibition Anthology: Elly MacKay, John Parra, LeUyen Pham, and Victoria Kann on display at the LCVA September 18, 2020 – January 3, 2021
Includes: Make Your Own Bookmark, Book Cover Art, Shape Scavenger Hunt, Colorful Scavenger Hunt, Design Your Own Mural, If I Were President, Paper Bag Bear Puppet, Symmetrical Butterfly, Leaf Rubbing, Draw Your Own Tower, Make a Pinkalicious Birthday Cupcake, Pinkalicious Make Your Own Wand, and Make Your Own Comic Book
Summer Art Studio Art on-the-Go: Civil Rights in our Community
Includes Word Search, Dream Like Dr King, My Flag, Diversity Playdough, and Peace Hand Wreath.
Have Art, Will Travel: The Riches of China
An in-depth program to explore and understand the art of China based on items from the permanent collection of Longwood University. Intended for Second Graders.
Take A Closer Look! Family Gallery Activity
Family members select a single work of art in the exhibition, describe it and attempt to interpret it.
Have Art Will Travel: The Wonders of Africa
Hands-on Art Activities for 3rd graders based on the LCVA’s permanent collection of African Art.
Elementary School Art Activity Pack #2
Includes: “A Circle Is…”, Self Portrait, Make Your Own Museum Exhibit, Imaginative Drawing, Step-by-Step Cat, Make Your Own Comic Book, and Illustrated Idiom
Elementary School Art Activity Pack #1
Includes Color Mixing, Nature Texture Relief Rubbing, Make Your Own Puzzle, and Rainbow Scavenger Hunt.
Power and Beauty – “Shake You Shekere”
The students will use motor skills to attach stickers to their “Shekere”, add noise materials, and draw using markers.
Power and Beauty – “Fit for a Chief”
The student will make a 2D chief’s chair with a variety of art processes.
Power and Beauty – “Anansi the Spider”
The students will create their own spider inspired by the Anansi spider story Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti. They will be created on a drawn web that is made up of geometric shapes.
Power and Beauty – “African Masks”
The students will develop hand/eye coordination by drawing their mask shape and constructing by gluing and applying mask detail.
Integrating Art Therapy into the Classroom – “Worry Dolls”
The students will use their imagination, as well as examples. To create their own worry doll.
Fire it Up! – “Making a Pinch Bowl”
The student will create a pinch bowl that uses color, line, shape, texture, and pattern with the supplies available.
The student will learn how to make a pinch pot into a bowl.
Poetry Lesson Plan – 6th Grade
Page Turners Art-on-the-Go: All About Zines
What is a zine? To find out, grab this free packet to learn how you can create your own self-published creative works. Includes What is a Zine?, How to Fold a Sheet-o-Paper into an 8-Page Zine, Zine Online Resources, and Great Books About Zines
Based on a work from the Jack Blanton Collection and Longwood University
Power and Beauty – “Printing in Adinkra Style”
The students will create symbols that reflect their own cultures, ideals, and beliefs.
Power and Beauty – “Making Bogolanfini”
The student will integrate a variety of Malian bogolan symbols into their mud cloth painting.
Power and Beauty – “African Mask”
The student will create an African ceremonial mask using different types of art processes.
Integrating Art Therapy into the Classroom – “The Deserted Island”
The students will add important items to their deserted island and communicate their ideas, feelings, and thoughts through their drawings.
Integrating Art Therapy into the Classroom – “Feel the Music”
The student will listen to various genres of music and express how it makes them feel and how their art correlates with music.
Integrating Art Therapy into the Classroom – “The Emotion Expression Game”
The students will use their imagination to interpret the way a specific word makes them feel through art.
Fire it Up! – “Textured Ceramic Fish”
The students will create thumbnail sketches of several kinds of fish before selecting the one they want to create out of clay.
Fire it Up! – “Folk Art Face Jugs”
The students will use the coil building method to make a face jug and then they will carve the face into the jug.
Based on a painting in the permanent collection at Longwood University.
Art Journal Prompt: Blind Contour Drawing
Try making a drawing without lifting the pencil from the paper and without looking!
Take a long, thoughtful look at an artwork in an exhibition and try to interpret it.
LCVA Middle and High School Art Activity Packet #2
Includes a 7-Day Drawing Challenge, Dream Job, Make Your Own Museum Exhibition, Self-Portrait, Make Your Own Comic Book, Ratios and Grids Exercises, and Illustrated Idiom.
LCVA Middle and High School Art Activity Packet #1
Includes Art Journal Prompts, Sneaker Design, Zentangle, Haiku, and Make Your Own Puzzle projects.
Independent Curators International created this booklet Introducing students to paper art made by a variety of artists and includes paper art projects.
Power and Beauty – “My Headdress”
The students will look at examples of African headdresses and become inspired to make their own headdress out of paper.
Power and Beauty – “African Mask: A Research Inspired Project”
The students will use their sketchers to create their own personal masks.
Integrating Art Therapy into the Classroom – “Self as Scape”
The students will think of themselves as a type of landscape or cityscape as inspiration to create their painting.
The student will explore the theory behind Wabi-sabi but creating their own project from sketches.
Fire it Up! – “Stencils and Ceramics”
The student will be able to describe the different stages of ceramic production and successfully create ceramic tiles using the slab method.
The student will create a memory jar and explore Folk art.